Welcome to our new website The Kegel Mechanics Klub or KMK for short. Here at Kegel we have always prided ourselves on sharing any, and all information and knowledge that we may have at our disposal. John Davis felt there should be a place where a variety of entities in our industry could go to receive accurate and beneficial information that would make their day to day operations in the bowling center much easier and more efficient.
Before modern-day websites existed, our team of Lane Maintenance Specialists, myself included, only had a few options to communicate with our customers on a global level. This was typically done by phone, fax, email or in person. In today’s current technological environment, information is everywhere. However, some information is good and accurate and a lot of information is incorrect. For a pin chaser, “C” - Mechanic or even a “B” - Mechanic, the internet, without a good mentor, can be a detriment to learning the proper skills, training and safety that is required to become a laneman or pinsetter mechanic.
Kegel’s goal is for KMK to be a place where people from all backgrounds, cultures and skill sets can come and not only access information that may be helpful, but to be able to do it in a safe and professional manner. We want to provide pertinent and accurate information dealing with a variety of pinsetter and lane machine related topics. You know how to get extremely good at things, like pinsetters or lane machines? Ask questions. We at Kegel welcome them in all forms.
Most of the bowling industry thinks of Kegel as a one stop shop for all things lane maintenance and lane related. What most people do not know is the fact that all of our original technicians and most of the ones that have started in the last 10 years, were either Head Mechanics, independent specialists or somehow ended up in the back of a bowling center. I personally started in 1984 and the combined experience of the staff at KPP is over 125 years working on both the GS series of pinsetters as well as the A2 series. We have built, rebuilt, torn out, installed, advised, and got downright greasy with the rest of you. We have cataloged our tips, tricks, suggestions, things we have learned from other mechanics as well as our mentors and now want to provide a place that an up and coming mechanic can go to learn at their own speed and without the pressure of their peers.
We want to help train and educate the new generation of mechanics that will replace people like myself and all of us that are hopefully going to someday retire. There are very few options for the beginner to get basic fundamentals or information on cleaning and safety. The B and C mechanic will only grow in knowledge if they are able to secure training on site at their center, through seminars or at some type of school which is very few and far between anymore.
Please take time to peruse the website, watch a variety of videos, send us questions or even make suggestions on what you would personally like to see. Our plans are to have a wide variety of mechanical, electrical, maintenance, trouble shooting and safety videos. In the future there will also be articles that will outline different subject matter as well as “Special Guests” that will help us teach on a wide range of topics. We will also get philosophical at times and talk about the importance of cleanliness, tool organization and how to set up the perfect workshop.
In closing I would like to Thank You for taking the time to stop by our site and hopefully you will become a member. If you are a Head Mechanic or have 20–30 years of experience you may not find a lot of things on our site that you are not already aware of, but you never know. There may be a process, tool, or jig that you have never seen and if it makes your life easier, we want to share it. For everyone else that is just starting, still learning or has been in it for 3-5 years we are more than confident you will learn things on this site that you do not know so I encourage your dive in and start fine tuning your resume. On behalf of everyone here at Kegel, I would like to thank you for stopping by and I hope you will visit our site on a regular basis.
Don Agent & The Kegel Team
Don Agent, Brand Manager, KPP