All Kegel lane machines are driven by DCV drive motors that are designed with two carbon style brushes, one on each side of the motor.
Bowling lane maintenance is more than just pushing a button on a lane machine and applying oil to the surface.
The entire lane is polished unless the pine is the early configuration, non-laminate printed pine.
If you are experiencing poor cleaning of the lanes, duster errors, and are using more cloth than normal, check to see if someone changed the duster cloth and failed to reset the duster unwind time.
If you start hearing the vacuum motor sounding like an F-18 jet, there might be a restriction in the vacuum system.
Doing a weekly volume check for both conditioner and cleaner is an easy way to be certain that your lanes will play consistent from week to week.
Verify your run and valve times at least once a week. (daily, if you really want to keep on top of things) Log those number into a notebook and note if these number change.
Use a black marker to highlight the word “EMPTY” on the recovery tank. Also mark an arrow to show the direction to empty the tank.
When the time comes to install a new roll of duster cloth in your machine, do not forget to add a few drops of oil to the metal bars that the oil and cleaner heads travel on.
Every 3 months, check for loose hardware on your machine. Nuts, bolts and setscrews can become loose with the day to day jostling the machine goes through.
If you use a walker lane machine, move the machine away from you so you can see the bottom set of caster wheels before you lay the machine down.
When rolling your lane machine while it is in transport position, always pay attention to any drop-offs. The impact of even a small drop can eventually cause some serious damage.
Do an auto speed adjust once a month to help keep your speed accurate. Slower speeds will affect your patterns’ lengthwise taper front to back.
After pressing the start button for the 2nd time on the handle of your Kegel lane machine, lower the handle onto the stops. Do not let it freefall. Dropping the handle will put stress on the mounting hardware for the stops.
It is recommended the buffer motor be blown out monthly; you will want to be sure to keep your buffer motor free of carbon dust which accumulates due to the motor brushes deteriorating over time.
Once per month, inspect the cord on your non battery powered Kegel lane machine. Look for nicks, cuts and wires showing through the outer sheath.
Do a test clean at least once a week to make sure your machine is getting the lanes clean.
Checking once a week will allow you to notice little problems before they become big problems.